
Aztec in the Community

Aztec Manufacturing Corporation
 is on the FAST TRACK in the 21st century with new technology in its machining center and in the community. In keeping with the strong beliefs of Aztec Manufacturing Corporation’s management philosophy, our corporate presence in the community is as much a priority as is our dedication to innovative technology in our manufacturing process. Aztec employees are involved in many activities within the community to strengthen the company’s position and to help mentor other members of the community into becoming advocates of education and community responsibility.

Always in tune with its customers and its community, Aztec takes a leadership role in adapting to the needs of each. Innovative technology doesn’t only apply to manufacturing, it also applies to the way we entice the young people of today to continue with their education to help better their lives and ours. An uneducated community can be disastrous for its residents and businesses located within or planning to locate within that area. Frank Lopez keeps a very hectic schedule of community service events and continues to foster relationships that will assist the community in achieving successes in attracting economic value and stability to the area.

Aztec is proud to be associated with these great organizations